Page 6 - L'italiano all'università for English speakers, edizioni Edilingua
P. 6

libro_univ1_EN_prime_Laura_Layout 1  11/5/2015  3:05 PM  Page 9


                               Mi sembra…                                                                     page 126

                    Communication            Grammar                  Vocabulary               Culture

                    Asking what someone is   Indirect object pronouns.  Words and expressions  Italians and
                    like.                    Anche / Neanche.         used to give an opinion  looking
                    Describing appearance    A me sì / A me no.       about someone or to      good.
                    and character.                                    describe someone.
                    Agreeing and disagreeing.

                        TEST 5                                                                               page 137

                              Prendiamo il treno!                                                            page 139

                    Communication            Grammar                  Vocabulary               Culture

                    Talking about the pros and  The use of nessuno and  Transportation.        The Italian high speed
                    cons of train travel.    niente.                  Trains and stations.     train.
                    Invitations.             The imperfect tense:
                    Accepting and declining  formation and main uses.
                    an invitation.
                    Buying a ticket.
                    Asking for information on
                    departure and arrival
                    times, and on changing
                    Talking about routine
                    activities in the past.
                    Describing places.

                        SCHEDA DI AUTOVALUTAZIONE 6                                                           page 151

                               Ti vesti alla moda?                                                           page 153

                    Communication            Grammar                  Vocabulary               Culture

                    Asking for and giving    Demonstratives: questo   Clothing and accessories:  Italian fashion.
                    opinions.                and quello (pronouns and  quality, colours, sizes,  Pitti Immagine.
                    Pointing things out.     adjectives).             shops.
                    Asking for a size and
                    saying what size you take.  The direct (informal, tu)
                    Asking for a discount.   imperative: affirmative and
                    Describing how someone   negative forms.
                    is dressed.
                    Giving advice.

                        TEST 6                                                                                page 164

                        WORKBOOK                                                                              page 167

                        GLOSSARY                                                                              page 228

                        KEYS                                                                                  page 252
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