Page 3 - L'italiano all'università for English speakers, edizioni Edilingua
P. 3
libro_univ1_EN_prime_Laura_Layout 1 11/5/2015 3:05 PM Page 6
Ciao, io sono Anna. E tu? page 11
Communication Grammar Vocabulary Culture
Introducing yourself (name, Personal pronouns. Classroom objects. Students of Italian around
surname, nationality, age). The verbs essere and Adjectives of nationality. the world.
Greeting people. avere. Numbers from zero to Reasons for studying
Asking for and giving The verb chiamarsi in the 100. Italian.
addresses and telephone first, second and third
numbers. persons singular.
Asking questions, formally Negative sentences.
and informally. Number and gender
Asking for repetition. agreement of nouns and
Asking how a word is adjectives.
pronounced and spelt.
Lavori o studi? page 23
Communication Grammar Vocabulary Culture
Introducing people. Regular -are, -ere and -ire Work: professions and The world of work
Asking someone how they verbs. workplaces. in Italy.
are and saying how you The main irregular verbs. A few qualifying
are. The definite article. adjectives.
Asking someone what job Agreement of articles,
they do and saying what nouns and adjectives.
you do. The prepositions in, a, da,
Saying goodbye. di.
TEST 1 page 33
Una bottiglia d’acqua, per favore. page 35
Communication Grammar Vocabulary Culture
Ordering food and drink. Mi piace / Non mi piace. In a bar: objects, food and The bar culture in Italy.
Asking for and saying the Mi piacciono / Non mi drink. An Italian
price. piacciono. Shops. breakfast.
Expressing tastes and -ire verbs that add -isc- Foods.
preferences. when conjugated. Weights and measures.
Asking permission. Vorrei.
Asking someone to do Ci meaning ‘there’.