Page 5 - L'italiano all'università for English speakers, edizioni Edilingua
P. 5

libro_univ1_EN_prime_Laura_Layout 1  11/5/2015  3:05 PM  Page 8

                              Che tempo fa?                                                                    page 84

                     Communication           Grammar                  Vocabulary               Culture

                     Asking about and        Direct object pronouns.  The months.              The weather in Italy.
                     describing the weather.  The use of pronouns with  The seasons.           Weather-related idioms.
                     Describing what the     modal verbs + infinitive.  Expressions for describing
                     weather is like in a given  Stare + gerund.      the weather.
                     place.                  Adverbs of quantity: molto,
                                             abbastanza, poco, per
                                             Molto as an adjective and
                                             an adverb.

                        SCHEDA DI AUTOVALUTAZIONE 4                                                            page 96

                              Che cosa hai fatto nel fine settimana?                                           page 98

                     Communication           Grammar                  Vocabulary               Culture
                     Speaking and writing    The perfect tense of     Expressions for talking  Getting together and
                     about the past.         regular verbs and of the  about the past.         socialising in Italy.
                     Asking and talking about  main irregular verbs:  Weekend activities.
                     what you and others did  formation and use.
                     at the weekend.         Agreement of the past
                                             participle with direct
                                             objects that precede the
                                             Già and ancora.
                                             Di + article to express an
                                             undefined quantity.

                                                                                                              page 110
                        TEST 4

                              La nuova famiglia italiana                                                      page 112

                     Communication           Grammar                  Vocabulary               Culture

                     How to say who you are  Possessive adjectives: use  The family.           The average Italian family.
                     related to.             and exceptions with nouns  Marital status.
                     Talking about family and  denoting family members.
                     family relationships.   The future tense.
                     Expressing joy and      Conjunctions: ma, perché,
                                             o, invece.
                     disappointment.         Temporal connectives:
                     Making plans for the future.
                                             all’inizio, dopo, poi, alla

                        SCHEDA DI AUTOVALUTAZIONE 5                                                           page 124
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