Page 2 - L'italiano all'università for English speakers, edizioni Edilingua
P. 2

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                     Matteo La Grassa is a researcher at the University for Foreigners of Siena with experience of
                     teaching Italian as a foreign language in various state and private establishments. He is involved in
                     several areas of research relating to the teaching of Italian as a foreign language and to the creation
                     of educational material. He has produced educational material as part of the University for
                     Foreigners of Siena’s Language and Citizenship projects: Insegnamento di italiano L2 per cittadini
                     stranieri (awarded the European Language Label 2010) and Lingua italiana e comunicazione
                     bancaria (awarded the European Language Label 2009).

                     I would like to thank Professor Andrea Villarini for writing the preface to the book, where he painted a clear
                     and concise picture of the current general state of the Italian language.
                     I would also like to thank all the students and the university course leaders who allowed me to try out the
                     activities contained in this book, thereby making it possible for me to make any necessary adjustments.
                     Finally, my sincere thanks go to the editorial team at Edilingua for its careful proofreading and, more generally,
                     for its constant constructive support.

                     © Copyright edizioni Edilingua
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                     First Edition: settembre 2020
                     Editing: Antonio Bidetti, Laura Piccolo
                     Layout and graphics: Edilingua, Edigraf
                     Illustrations: Alessandro Baldanzi
                     Recordings: Autori Multimediali, Milan
                     ISBN: 978-88-31496-48-3

                     The author would welcome your suggestions, feedback and comments about the book (to be sent via email

                     All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this publication may be translated, reproduced, adapted, transmitted
                     or stored in a retrieval system, by any means, mechanical or electronic (including microfilm and photocopies).

                     The editor is happy to hear from anyone we were unable to contact whose interests have been infringed; the
                     editor will also put right any omissions or inaccuracies in referencing sources that are brought to our attention.
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