Page 34 - The new Italian project 2b, edizioni Edilingua
P. 34


                   Unit Section         Vocabulary & Communicative Topics             Grammatical Structures

               Unità 10

               Paese che vai, problemi che trovi                                                              Pg.67

               A     Ci sono tanti      • Recounting negative experiences         • Direct and indirect discourse (I)
                 furti in questo
               B     Me ne infischio!    • Knowing how to take turns in conversation   Direct and indirect discourse (II):
                                        • Expressing indifference                references to time

               C     Dipendenze         • Talking about problems with addiction

               D Cos'è la mafia?        • Talking about the mafia

               E     Migranti di oggi,     • Talking about emigration and the brain     • Hypothetical clauses with indirect
                 migranti di ieri      drain                                     discourse

               F     Essere donna       • Talking about problems related to gender

               G  Vocabolario e         • Expansion activities focused on specific
                 abilità               skills (listening, speaking, writing)

               Conosciamo l’Italia:                                                   Video episode:
               I problemi dell'Italia                                                 Non sono io il ladro!
               Unemployment, job instability, illegal immigration, falling birth rates.  Video activities   Pg.107
               La mafia nel cinema e nella realtà
               Organized crime in film and television and its effects.

               Authentic materials:
               Campaign by Pubblicità Progresso, Io dico no from (C1)
               Song and lyrics, I cento passi by the Modena City Ramblers (D1)
               Reading 1, article, La mafia al Nord e al Sud from (D5)
               Reading 2, article, L'ecomafia e lo smaltimento illegale di rifiuti from (D5)
               Reading on the brain drain in Italy from (E2)
               Reading, review of the book Ferite a morte by Serena Dandini from (F1)


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