Page 2 - The new Italian project 2a, edizioni Edilingua
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1st edition: May 2021
              ISBN: 979-12-5980-015-2                                                  Telis Marin after receiving an
                                                                                       undergraduate degree in Italian
                                                                                       language studies, completed a
                                                                                       Master ITALS (Italian teaching
              Editors:                                                                 certification) at the Università
              Antonio Bidetti, Daniele Ciolfi, Anna Gallo,                             Ca’ Foscari in Venice and has
              Sonia Manfrecola, Laura Piccolo, Elisa Sartor                            experience teaching in various
                                                                                       Italian language schools. He is
              Translator: Aria Cabot                                                   the director of Edilingua and has
              Photographs: Shutterstock, Telis Marin                                   authored various Italian text-
              Cover photo: Telis Marin                                                 books:  Nuovo and Nuovissimo
                                                                 Progetto italiano 1, 2, and 3 (textbook), Via del Corso A1,
              Layout and graphics:                               A2, B1, B2 (textbook), Progetto italiano Junior 1, 2, and 3
              Edilingua                                          (classroom manual), La nuova Prova orale 1, Primo Ascol-
              Illustrations:                                     to,  Ascolto Medio,  Ascolto Avanzato,  Nuovo Vocabolario
              Lorenzo Sabbatini, Massimo Valenti                 Visuale,  Via del Corso Video. He co-authored  Nuovo and
                                                                 Nuovissimo Progetto italiano Video, Progetto italiano Ju-
              Audio recordings and video production:             nior Video and La nuova Prova orale 2. He has held nume-
              Autori Multimediali, Milano                        rous teaching workshops all over the world.
                                                                 L. Ruggieri is an instructor of Italian as a Second Language.
                                                                 She holds a degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures
              © Copyright edizioni Edilingua                     from the Università degli Studi di Milano. She completed a
              Headquarters                                       Ph.D. at the University of Granada, where she works as a
              Via Giuseppe Lazzati, 185                          researcher in comparative literature and linguistics with the
              00166 Rome, Italy                                  Grupo de investigaciones filológicas y de cultura hispánica.
              Phone +39 06 96727307                              S. Magnelli  teaches Italian language and literature in the
              Fax +39 06 94443138                                Italian department of the Aristotle University of Thessalo-
                                                                 niki. She has taught Italian as a Second Language since
                                      1979 and has collaborated with the Italian Cultural Institute
                                       of Thessaloniki, where she taught until 1986. Since then,
                                                                 she has been in charge of curriculum development for lin-
                                                                 guistic institutions that offer Italian as a Second Language.
              Depot and Distribution Center
              Via Moroianni, 65
              12133 Athens, Greece
              Phone   +30 210 5733900                            The authors and editor would like to thank the many collea-
              Fax    +30 210 5758903                             gues whose valuable feedback contributed to the improve-
                                                                 ments in the revised edition of this book.
                                                                 Additionally, they extend their sincere gratitude to the fellow
                                                                 teachers who, by reviewing and testing the material in their
                                                                 classrooms, contributed to the final product.
                                                                 Finally, a special thanks to the publisher’s editors and
                                                                 graphic designers for their extreme diligence.
                                                                                                    To my daughter
                                                                                                        Telis Marin

                The authors would appreciate any suggestions,
              remarks, or comments about this volume (to be sent
                        to                               All human actions have
                                                                                  an impact on the envi-
                                                                                  ronment. At Edilingua
              All rights reserved.                                                we are certain that the
              Any reproduction of this publication – partial or complete,         future of our planet
              including photocopying – is strictly prohibited. All forms of       depends on each of
              storage and distribution – including digital or online – are        us.  “Our planet needs
              prohibited without permission from the publisher Edilingua.         your help”  is a small
                                                                                  but dedicated aware-
              The editors are available to be contacted by copyright hol-  ness campaign aimed at students: each of our books
              ders whom it was not possible to reach and, upon request,   represents an invitation to reflect, save energy, and
              will promptly address any unintentional omissions or inac-  reduce carbon emissions. More information is found
              curacies in the credits and sources cited.             on our site (in “chi siamo”).

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