Page 3 - The new Italian project 1a, edizioni Edilingua
P. 3

              The new Italian Project is a fully updated edition of a modern Italian language course for non-native speakers. It is
              intended for adult and young adult learners and covers all levels of the Common European Framework of Reference
              The fact that the previous edition of this textbook is an international best seller allowed us to collect comments
              from hundreds of teachers who work in diverse learning environments. Their valuable feedback and our direct
              experience in the classroom enabled us to evaluate and determine which changes to implement in order to update
              the book’s content and methodology. At the same time, we have respected the philosophy of the previous edition,
              appreciated by the many teachers who “grew up” professionally using the book in their classrooms.

                                                    In The new Italian Project 1a

                • all of the dialogues have been revised: they are  • some grammatical structures are presented in a
                  shorter, more spontaneous, and closer to spoken    more inductive and simple manner;
                  Italian;                                         • the culture sections have been updated and the
                • some activities were changed to become more in-    texts are shorter;
                  ductive and engaging;                            • a careful review of the vocabulary was conducted
                • the pace remains fast;                             following a spiral approach between the units,
                • there is greater continuity between the chapters   and between the textbook and workbook;
                  thanks to the presence of recurring characters in  • in addition to the games that were already pre-
                  different situations, who also appear in the video  sent, a short, fun activity was added to each unit;
                  episodes;                                        • the board game and new digital games on the i-d-
                • the video episodes and the “Lo so io” quizzes have  e-e platform make it more fun for students to re-
                  been completely redone, with new actors and lo-    view course material;
                  cations and updated scripts;                     • the layout was updated with new photos and il-
                • the video episodes are better integrated with the  lustrations, and the pages are less dense;
                  structure of the course, in that they complete or  • the Instructor’s Edition (with answer keys) and
                  introduce the opening dialogue;                    Manual (also available in digital format) facilitate
                • all audio fi les have been revised and recorded by  and diversify the instructor’s role;
                  professional actors;                             • in the workbook, printed entirely in color, various

                • the section “Per cominciare” presents a greater    exercises have been diversified with matching,
                  variety of pedagogical techniques;                 re-ordering, and multiple-choice options instead
                • some of the grammar tables have been simplifi ed    of open-ended questions.
                  or moved to the new Approfondimento gramma-
                  ticale section;

              As in the textbook, the audio recordings in the workbook were recorded by professional actors and are more natural
              and spontaneous. The new Italian Project 1 comes with two audio CDs: one “original” version that comes with the
              workbook, and one “slow” version, available on Edilingua’s website and the online learning platform, This
              version is intended mainly for students whose native language is distant from Italian, but also for those listening to

              the dialogue for the first time, in order to facilitate comprehension and lower the affective fi lter.
              The workbook, in addition to exercises designed with various Italian language exams in mind (CELI, CILS, PLIDA),
              includes unit exams at the end of each chapter (to be administered after the culture sections), two summary tests
              (one exam for every three units), and a learning game, like the “gioco dell’oca,” that covers the most important
              topics of all six units.

              The platform

              In the inside cover of the book, students will find an access code for the learning platform. The code provides
              free access for 12 months (from the time of activation) to the following learning materials and tools:
              • fully interactive versions of the workbook activities, with automatic correction and scoring. Students can com-
                plete them independently and repeat them at any time if they want additional practice;
              • video and quiz episodes;
              • “original” and “slow” versions of the audio fi les;
              • new online games, exclusively for Edilingua, that provide a fun and extremely effective means of reviewing material;
              • interactive grammar, tests and games prepared by the teacher, virtual classroom space, etc.

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