Page 17 - L'italiano all'università for English speakers, edizioni Edilingua
P. 17

libro_univ1_EN_un01_Laura_Layout 1  11/5/2015  4:23 PM  Page 21

                                                     Unità 1

                                   1. Write at least one expression to...

                         ● Say your name:

                         ● Ask someone for their telephone number:
                            .................................................................................................................................................  Scheda di autovalutazione 1 (unita 1)
                         ● Say hello:

                         ● Say goodbye:

                         ● Ask someone their nationality:

                         ● Ask for a repetition:

                     2. How often have you used expressions to...

                                                               very often ++  quite often +  not often -  not at all - -

                       say your name and age?

                       give and ask for a phone number?

                       say hello?
                       say goodbye?
                       ask someone where they come from and

                       their nationality?
                       ask for a repetition?

                     3.  Where have you used the expressions to...

                                                                           with others on  with Italians  with other
                                                                 in class
                                                                             the course  outside of class  foreigners

                       say your name and age?
                       give and ask for a phone number?

                       say hello?

                       say goodbye?
                       ask someone where they come from and
                       their nationality?
                       ask for a repetition?

                     l’italiano all’università                                                                       21
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